The CM67se is a large dual-diaphragm tube condenser microphone inspired by the famous Neumann U67 design and specifications. The CM67 has an ultra-smooth natural rise above 10khz and is a favorite for group vocals and singers who want a very detailed sound. It is also a favorite microphone for recording acoustic instruments.
Advanced Audio’s AK67 capsule is a very accurate 35mm capsule with 6-micron German mylar diaphragms. Its frequency response matches within 2 dB the response of the Neumann K47 capsule used in Neumann’s K67 tube and U87 microphones.
The CM67 features an upgraded 6072a circuit that provides a lower output impedance with slightly more headroom than the circuit used in the original U67. In addition, it provides a faster transient response when driving our the very HiFi output transformer, which is wound to the original Neumann specs. The transformer will deliver +14dBu with less than .5% distortion and with a flat response down to 20Hz.
- AK67 1.07"/35mm capsule with 6-micron diaphragms
- 9 pick-up patterns selectable from the power supply
- Class A 6072a 2-stage tube circuit
- Dual bobbin output transformer with Bi-metal laminations (6.5:1 ratio)
- -10db pad switched from the front of microphone body
- 80HZ HP filter switched from the from to microphone body
- Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz ±3db
- Noise: <14dB(A-weighted)
- Maximum output level > +14dbu.
- Impedance: <200 ohm(load impedance <1.2K)
- Distortion: 0.5% @ 126dB and 136db with pad engaged
- Robust shock-mount
- Aluminum road case
The curves on the pictures were done at FOX Audio Research in Toronto Ontario Canada.
Cklick here to see Pheonix Drive performing vocals with the CM67se in omni position. You may notice a few others too
CM67se Advanced Audio Microphone
Your microphone has been manufactured and tested to the highest quality standards by Advanced Audio Microphones. This Limited Warranty offered by Advanced Audio Microphones covers defects in material or workmanship for 2 years from the date of purchase. This warranty can be extended to a total of five years upon completion of on-line registration. We will repair or replace any Advanced Audio microphone that fails to meet factory specifications during the warranty period.